
Monday 5 October 2015

Colocation: Simple, Accessible, Reliable.

colocation definition
The service "Location Server", sometimes also called "colocation" - one of the most popular in our company. From the beginning, we tried to make it as close as possible to the scheme "set and forget". The client is only required to ensure the delivery server in the data center, and everything else (Rack, an Internet connection, and so on), we completely take over. Also, anyone who puts our equipment, we offer a wide range of additional services.

In this article we would like to share their own experiences on the organization of services "Placing the server." The whole procedure of interaction with the client is subdivided into a few simple steps, which will be discussed below.

Step 1: purchase and delivery of the server in the data center
By purchasing equipment from any supplier, you can immediately order its delivery in one of our data centers (an employee of the shipping service, which will bring the server must first be formalized power of attorney for Handover). The personal presence of the customer when receiving the equipment to colocation with us is entirely optional. All the necessary documents then we will send by registered mail.
Through this approach, placing their equipment may have customers from other cities and even countries.

Step 2: Installation
All client equipment is located in our own data center level TIER III. The detailed specifications of data centers can be found on our website.

The server rack you do not have to install their own: the installation of equipment is carried out exclusively by our own.

For security reasons, access to the server racks have only our engineers; Customer access to colo-resistant prohibited.

For customers placing much power equipment, there are special services: allocation of additional power outlet and extra electrical outlets to connect redundant power supplies servers.

Step 3: Connect to the Internet and providers
All network infrastructure we undertake; you may only need to order the necessary services in the client panel.

The service "Location Server" is a guaranteed channel 100 Mbit / s, completely unlimited, without any constraints and relationships. On request Internet connection speed can be increased up to 10 Gbit / s (with the appropriate network card). For customers with large volumes of traffic are attractive package deals.

You can always order extra IPv4 and IPv6-addresses.
If you have a stand-alone system with its own dedicated IP-address block, we are ready to provide her with the announcement of the Internet through our equipment. You can also set us BGP-session and announce their own prefixes.

If you want to connect placed our equipment to existing resources (e.g., corporate networks or traffic exchange points), you can order cross-connect with operators in the data center.

Servers posted and rented from us can be united in a local network. It concerns including servers located in different data centers, and even in different cities.

For customers who demand higher security and data protection, the possibility of renting a hardware firewall. Service is also provided protection against DDOS-attacks.

Step 4: Configure Server
After installing the equipment it needs to adjust. To do this, you do not need to come to the data center: your server, you can manage remotely.

Upon request by the ticket system available free of charge temporary connection of IP-KVM (permanent connection is possible for an additional fee).

If the server supports IPMI, iLO, or their equivalents from other manufacturers, you can rent an additional dedicated port on the network equipment to gain access to your server from outside.

Step 5: Maintenance and Support
So, the server is installed in a rack, connected to the Internet, is set. All further work on its maintenance, we take over.

If you need to restart the server - just send a request via the ticket system.
The work is not stipulated in the contract (additional configuration, software installation, diagnostics and troubleshooting, etc.) can be performed in within the service pay administration.
For a fee, we can organize the storage of spare parts for your equipment on their territory. In case of problems we are ready to carry out repairs and replace parts on their own (in this case the conditions are discussed individually).

Recently, we had a lot of work on the development and improvement of services "Placing the server." Today, it corresponds to the principle of "set and forget", and that have been able to make hundreds of our clients.
If you have ideas for improving services - welcome to comment.