
Saturday 9 April 2016

Top 10 Worst Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has undoubtedly taken place of conventional computing services recently. Its internet based structure of data handling and storage makes it different from other systems. But there are also some disadvantages that can be seen after a widespread of this technology in the world market.
Security Issues

1.    Security Issues

The privacy and security of the data is the most desired thing that a business or organization needs. In case of cloud computing, the security is dependent on the service providers that what sort of security audits they are following. Although security is one of the benefits of cloud computing too but based on the fact that all your data and information is stored on internet, the security risks must be there. Hackers are free to breach a system and eventually to all interconnected systems.

2.    Downtime

The dependency of cloud computing on internet is one of the major disadvantages of this service too. Although it is a source to provide ease to the access but what if you are somehow in a situation where you are running out of internet access? Or the internet speed is relatively lower? In this case, you wont be able to run the cloud network and there is no alternate that you are left with. If you are offline depending on the time period your internet access is not established, that terribly affects the productivity.
Limitations in Control

3.    Limitations in Control

Using cloud computing services? Lets make it clear that you are restricted to have a full control over the hosting infrastructure and other functions related to it. Customers are also limited to control and manage their data, applications and services.
Cost Issues

4.    Cost Issues

We can witness the cost structure of cloud computing to be one of its benefits as well. It looks like it’s the most affordable system that a business can adopt. But in reality, the situation is a bit different. There is a predetermined contract that you need to agree with the cloud service provider you are taking. Also, this contract is independent of the use of the service.
Ownership of Data

5.    Ownership of Data

The process of data ownership is still not very clear or there is no standard regarding who actually owns the data. At times, it is the one who uploads the data and secondly it can be the data storage provider. This ambiguity makes the user to rely on the terms and conditions provided by the service providers. Data handling therefore becomes a hurdle in cloud computing.
Dependencies Of Cloud Computing

6.    Dependencies Of Cloud Computing

If you want to migrate from one cloud platform to another, it might become problematic for you. This problem is known as the ‘vendor lock-in’ and you need to reconfigure your applications to meet the requirements of the new hosts which is also an expensive and complex procedure.

7.    Connectivity

Connectivity of cloud computing becomes a problem when it comes to connect the system with wireless devices such as printers or other personal networks. If the cloud service is coping up with a huge traffic, there would be a time lag while connecting your system with the cloud network. So you need to check the compatibility of the hardware with the system and accuracy of the hardware to make it capable of desired connectivity.
Lack Of Support

8.    Lack Of Support

In comparison with many other software systems including custom based systems, cloud computing systems don’t come up with a good custom care service. They have no system that you can contact them via any number or email. The only source to get done with any issue is the FAQ pages which provide general solutions to cloud problems.
No Hard Drive

9.    No Hard Drive

The absence of hard drive makes it quite cheaper for some of the users. But there are some users who work on programs and need an attached hard drive in the system. Cloud limits the availability of the hardware.
Quality Dependence

10.    Quality Dependence

The low bandwidth net results in the poor quality of the tasks and computing done on the cloud network. If internet quality is poor or many tasks are being performed at the same time, the results of computing can be highly affected