Why Microsoft Needs To Improve Its Cloud Computing Security
Lately, some of the concerns are being raised regarding the cloud computing systems of Microsoft. These concerns include their network availability because the users can only comprehend the worth of cloud computing when their net connectivity and bandwidth come across their least requirements. The cloud must be accessible whenever they need it because if it doesn’t happen, the results will be very ruthless. Microsoft needs to improve their cloud computing system also because cloud benefactors are comparatively fresh to the industry; there are queries about their capability and pledge. This fear extends when a supplier wants the tenants to practice exclusive interfaces that which may lead to tenant lock-in. Many times the tenants and operators need sureness that their maneuvers and facilities will endure if the production environment of their cloud provider’s is subjected to a tragedy but currently Microsoft is unable to give such sureness to the users which is becoming a major hindrance in cloud computing operations.Cloud service suppliers are expected to cope and defend the fundamental hardware structure of an organization, yet secluded access is the user’s accountability and, in any case, no system is faultlessly safe so the user has to sensibly consider all the risk developments. After the current disclosures of celebrity images and uncountable millions of user login authorizations, the discretion of a cloud-based data is a different concern and many people are now wondering if they can trust their service provider or if they can face the consequences such cloud computing disadvantages. Cloud computing particularly for short term developments can be costly. Although it can permit the user to decrease supervising staff and hardware expenses but the total price tag is always higher than normal which Microsoft must improve to improve their standards and reliability issues.