
Friday 15 April 2016

5 Businesses Cloud Computing Can Be Used For

Cloud Computing has expanded like a wildfire in the recent past years. This unique computing model has already occupied a great number of businesses in the IT market. Today, the most popular platforms which reflect the true image of cloud computing application include Skype, Gmail, YouTube, Dropbox, WordPress, Amazon AWS, Flickr and many others. The services are so amazing that these can be utilized to start off a business at private level as well. With a proper knowledge of cloud computing, you can take a step forward to start your own business, a few of these businesses are as follows:
Cloud Computing Analyst And Technologist

Cloud Computing Analyst And Technologist

In present world's data processing and storage systems for computing, cloud computing has become the most popular and many business organizations tend to move to cloud computing. This requires a proper assessment of their needs and services they want. Such companies willing to move to cloud looks for an expert or consultant who can give the best possible advice to shortlist the service providers after understanding the IT provision of the company. Similar to this, being a cloud computing technologist is also an appealing business to start with. You can work with a company that provides solutions to technical issues related to cloud services.
Cloud Engineering And Automation

Cloud Engineering And Automation

To make a good and strong architecture of a cloud, an expertise in software and system engineering is required. With accurate knowledge and experience, you can work with the engineering department of the cloud engineering of an organization. You must be able to solve engineering related cloud problems to get paid. Automation in the cloud services is also a part of automation engineering. Database automation is now becoming common and can help you get a work for you. The automation in analysis, making prototype and build the product can make it achieve high productivity.
Tutoring And Blogging

Tutoring And Blogging

Having a good and conceptual knowledge of cloud computing and its latest trends and technologies can help you start your own business. How? Companies which need to switch to cloud computing require their IT staff to be highly trained to run the cloud else they would require an external source to get help from. To make the staff trained and expert at cloud services, they require tutors. Another form of doing it is writing articles or blogs related to cloud computing. You can earn a lot of money this way.
Cloud OS Development

Cloud OS Development

Cloud OS development is not as easy as other businesses utilizing cloud computing. Until and unless you do not master the field of software development and all its practices, you cant get done with it. You can start off with it when you are confident enough to analyze the problem, make design, program, debug and launch a product satisfying the needs according to the enhancements and modifications in the software. You can work for companies as a cloud developer and give them solutions and ideas to keep in contact with the new requirements and modifications in their cloud services.
Web Hosting And File Hosting

Web Hosting And File Hosting 

Enabling the companies to hold their files into the cloud and maintain them with expertise for later use can be a good business to opt. With an expertise in this regard, you can start up your own platform utilizing any of the services like Dropbox, amazon AWS or Google Doc and provide your services to host others' files and manage them. Another related platform can be of web hosting which itself is an application of cloud services. You can also start your own web hosting platform to give assistance to web files and documents to different users.