
Monday 5 October 2015

Launching the Service "Virtual Private Cloud".

virtual private cloud vmware
About the service "virtual private cloud» (Virtual Private Cloud, VPC) we have already mentioned. Today we finally announce the news that many of you have been waiting for: beta-testing the new service was over, and we are launching it in a commercial operation. In this article we describe in detail about the options of using a new cloud, and that for some tariffs will be paid for its use.

Why do it: use cases

As already in a previous publication, "Virtual Private Cloud" will be of particular interest to corporate clients. With our service, they will receive the following benefits:

Significant reduction in the cost of "iron". On the basis of a rented cloud resources can be deployed hundreds of projects, and it will be much cheaper than using a real "iron": will disappear the need to purchase expensive equipment and to attract additional personnel for its service.

Easy Cost Planning. Rent cloud computing resources is tariffed according to a transparent and flexible scheme that allows you to accurately calculate the costs and forecast the economy that makes use of VPC.

The speed of the deployment infrastructure. The VPC is possible in a matter of minutes to set up a virtual infrastructure with the necessary characteristics. From properly configured cloud can, for example, without any problem to deploy IT infrastructure for the new office. With the scaling will not be serious problems arise: if necessary, you can always just buy new resources.

Let us consider in more detail the most common usage scenarios of virtual private clouds for enterprise purposes.

Building a separate infrastructure for the different departments / projects
In any organization, there is usually a number of departments or projects unrelated. If you are using a public cloud in such a case it is necessary to tie infrastructure to a single user account (which is doubtful in terms of safety), or to register a lot of accounts, which also causes a lot of inconvenience.
Virtual private cloud lets you avoid all the above problems: for each division of the organization created a separate project with limited quotas for the use of resources. People from different departments will never be able to gain access to the resources of each other.

The rank and file employees of the organization will have access only to a strictly defined virtual machines that contain strictly defined resources.
Other users with administrator rights can access the project by external control panels, in which all control functions are implemented as virtual machines and network drives, but there is no possibility of buying resources.

The transfer of the existing infrastructure to the cloud

Many organizations have to deal with a situation where support its own virtualized infrastructure starts too costly: requires the organization of a redundant power supply and connect to the Internet, attracting additional staff, purchase of equipment and replacement of faulty components... It is logical solution in such a situation, it is the transfer of the entire infrastructure or a part the cloud. But it is often difficult: It is necessary to reinstall the software from scratch. An additional complication is that cloud providers often impose a lot of restrictions, because of what is necessary to make significant changes to the architecture.

Especially for corporate customers who want to migrate their own infrastructure to us, we took a number of measures to facilitate the migration:

In our cloud allows you to import ready-made virtual machine (it supports all common formats);
Network topology in our VPC can be configured in an arbitrary manner; If you and the public network and use the local network (or even a few local area networks), all this can be easily implemented in our country;

We use virtualization allows you to run the virtual machines running any operating system - if you ever need, for example, Solaris, or FreeBSD, they can be set without problems.